Softball - Coaches

Head Coach - Guy Wilkins
Head Softball Coach Guy Wilkins

(302) 841-3740

Guy Wilkins has been head coach of Delaware Tech softball since 2016. Prior to that, Wilkins had extensive coaching in both softball and baseball. He served as assistant coach and head coach during 10 years with the Delaware Diamonds travel softball team, where he won two national titles, and coached the Big League All-Stars Little League softball team to a Little League World Series win in 2013. Wilkins played baseball at Delaware State University, and served as middle school, junior varsity, and varsity assistant coach at Sussex Central High School for nearly 20 years. He also served as assistant coach for Delaware Tech baseball for six years.

Assistant Coach - Kylie Kruger
Kylie Kruger
Assistant Coach - Sami Mumford
Sami Mumford